The bathroom at the Sushi Ya  

Posted by Olsen Potter in

Squeezed in between the Bulher Agency
and the Thai Cuisine
is the Sushi Ya-
Friday Night-
out with the guys,
well fellow employees at least.
I had a godzilla-cripsy crunch-
a Happy- my mouth wasnt full of joy-
after a cup of courage-
A.K.A. Lemon Water-
I tried a Crystal Shrimp...
the urge
to go
overcame me.
The bathroom was pure black
with a wanna-be Piasco
paino player painting
hanging above the sink.
The mirror was displaced
along the wall it ran,
in front of the john.
As I sat
I saw and thought "why?".
The iron butler stood there,
arms outreached, a tray of toilet paper,
as if to ask so kindly
"May one be of service sir?"

-Olsen W. Potter-

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 07, 2006 at 4:29 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Everytime I read this, I have a tremendous feeling of fear. If I were to consume the same food, would I be telling the nice butler "Thank you?"

6/21/2006 10:23 PM

Não entendi nada desse poema... Não tenho a pretensão de dizer que tenha entendido os outros, mas pelo menos pude fazer a minha leitura e isso é um q importa para uma leitora egoísta como eu. Bem... mas meu pobre inglês não me permitiu ler este poema... Mas não desisto, amanhã tentarai lê-lo com mais calma.

8/06/2006 8:44 PM

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