My Angel My Muse
Oh Angel of joy
of love & of serenity
come and linger
stay within my soul
Peace of heart
ripples in the sea of doubt
seek out my darkend face
from the ocean of self pity
Oh sweet angel
bless me with thy kiss
heal my wounds of instant pleasure
fill me with enduring delight
Touch of grace
heat against a flame of ice
revive my seared soul
return light to my desolate eyes
Oh angel of true love
Come! Come and linger!
release my mind of this calamity
stich together my severed heart.
-Olsen W. Potter-
What a lonely poet feels
Eternity, what a dream,
What an idea to comfort hearts.
Time is an illusion
Love then. Doubly so.
Eternity, serenity, beauty,
mind games of a encrazed lover.
Eternity is a game of poets,
romances that defy common feelings.
They whose whords are writen well
Money, not happiness, is their goal.
Born from dust to live in lust
A life of common solitude.
What of it then? This "amor" this faith
It lacks blood, flesh, and heat.
Ideas can not steal away
The wounds from our dying trust
In a world where one minute pleasure rules
Faith is a thing let to rot.
So innocents of heart and blind of love
What dreams may come now?
The Hellish creatures of the drenching dark
Rulde with a sceptor of fear and doubt,
Dare you to think the light of love can win?
You reply "love onquers all"
And I sit and listen.
"Darkness is but a moment,"
You argue, "the dawning day will win."
"Of course, my friend, of course."
My comforting voice lies.
"Yes time is but a dream,
To a broken heart there is no dawn
Thus the endless night in wollow wins-
Love you say? You've found true love?
I congragulate you then.
But alas true love found you?
I do not mean to strike your dream
that would be very wrong-
But open your eyes and you shall see
In this world, love does not belong.
-Olsen W. Potter-
Luiz De Camoes: Sonneto De Amor
Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver;
É ferida que dói e não se sente;
É um contentamento descontente;
É dor que desatina sem doer;
É um não querer mais que bem querer;
É solitário andar por entre a gente;
É nunca contentar-se de contente;
É cuidar que se ganha em se perder;
É querer estar preso por vontade;
É servir a quem vence, o vencedor;
É ter com quem nos mata lealdade.
Mas como causar pode ser favor
Nos corações humanos amizade,
Se tão contrário a si é o mesmo Amor?
I love this poem. It talks about how love is a fire that doesnt burn, its wanting to be in prison , Its be carefull to win by losing yourself. One day I might tanslate it for you all, but for now I want you to enjoy it for its forgein tongue. Somethings lost in the translation.
-Olsen W. Potter-
Like a Dog caught in the rain
my coat wet and cold
my heart
beats alone.
Like a sailor in a storm
flashing lights and darks
my soul
is endless stress .
Like a muse without a song
my inspiration gone and dry
my thoughts
are baren.
Like a ghost town at midnight
empty doors and passages
my eyes
are colorless.
Like a shadow of myself
full of hate and reget
my brain
alone I'm left....
-Olsen W. Potter-
Would you Hold me?
If I caught the world in a bottle
and everything stood still beneath the moon,
what would it all matter if you did not love me?
If I were as smart as aristole,
and understand the things around the world,
with out your love would it still shine for me?
Here in your arms, where the world is impossibly still
where my million of dreams are fulfilled
and only thing that I fear
is the moment when holding you ends.
If I could tell you the meaning
of everything that goes around the sun
Why would it matter if you left me?
and If I want to hold you forever
safely in my arms covered in love
Would you want me?
Here in my arms, where all of your fears are subdued
where all things that matter are blurred
and I am the only thing.
Here in my arms, where you really want to be
where my love sets you free
and reality can not make our dancing end
If I could love you forever
and everything was ours because of love
what would it matter what the others say?
If I caught you in my love
and arms keep you safe from all the world
Would you hold me?
until this nightmare ends.....
What is the Truth?
Your think I'm just a liar,
not lying to hurt but rather to heal,
Lies that make you feel better inside
But still, keeping from you the truth.
Only that I'm not lying
to you I only speak the truth
time and space are against us,
things happen to distort my loving words.
I don't know how much more I can take
I have a tear in my heart from your harsh words
I'm fraying into a lonely life
each time I hear you ask if it's true.
It's my fault I know, one lie and trust is broken
yet I promise I know that I can not
make up for that which lies in the past
how I wish I could change that.
I love you with all my heart
and in your heart I know you know.
Hope and Love are the builders of trust
if only blind pride didn't get in the way...
-Olsen W. Potter-
About Me

- Olsen Potter
- Nada e perfeito mas como eu quero. Portuguese is my passion, English is my life, and words are the beats of my heart.
- My Angel My MuseOh Angel of joyof love & of sereni...
- What a lonely poet feelsEternity, what a dream,Wha...
- Luiz De Camoes: Sonneto De AmorAmor é fogo que ar...
- Success Like a Dog caught in the rain my coat wet ...
- Would you Hold me?If I caught the world in a bottl...
- What is the Truth? Your think I'm just a liar, no...