Maybe Tomorrow
Maybe tomorrow
when I'm older
and the sun has left my eyes
I'll understand why
Why hope can outlast depression
Why truth never changes
Why I can't refuse to believe
that everyone has some good in them.
Maybe when I'm dying
the color black finally winning
the light will enter
my mind will expand
Tell me why the rainbow's only after
the darkest cloud passes over
Tell me why even the sweetest melody
must have a deeper darker harmony
Tell me why the happiest person
also knows the pit of saddness
Maybe after I'm gone
my life just a flicker of faint fondness
People will look back and see
I try my best to overcome
to fight the fight and won.
Speak of me with love
Speak of me with a smile
Speak of me; never without mention of thee
They'll speak of you and me.
Maybe years from now
a thousand, or possibly two
I want people to still remember
that I deeply loved you.
_Olsen W. Potter_
This entry was posted
on Friday, December 23, 2005
at 9:17 PM
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About Me

- Olsen Potter
- Nada e perfeito mas como eu quero. Portuguese is my passion, English is my life, and words are the beats of my heart.