The blood on my hands goes to show you
that life is not all that it seems,
the red in my eyes seems to prove
that corrections have to be made.
They call it a sacrifice,
to give up all that you have
to a stranger you barely know,
give because you can.
I'm sick of playing nice,
forget tender and kind,
I'm playing a new game now,
one where I'll never be hurt.
So this blood that drains from my lips,
this blood that feels so warm,
is to prove that I can be mean,
I've warned you, stay away from my storm.
This red that never fades
made to cover up inside,
these feelings of love and truth,
Feelings I wish I could hide.
I through playing by the rules,
forget sweet, forget kind.
I'm a new me now,
I hope that you dont mind.
Eu realmente me importo se vc vira uma outra pessoa. Talvez não por vc, mas pelo meu próprio bem-estar, pois quem me dará a resposta quando eu perguntar onde está o homem que tanto amei (se é possível conjugar tal verbo no passado...)? Quem poderá me responder? Queria poder ser sua força, seu refúgio, mas me encontro tão perdida que não sirvo para ser apoio. REstam-me apenas lembranças... talvez serão elas as únicas que restarão de quem por muito tempo foi o meu coração, talvez...
There is great emotion translated through this poem. I hope the person for whom this was meant can understand that you wish to cut all ties with them. They shouldn't call, IM, or comment on your postings. Well composed, eloquent wording, and powerful. Have I told you lately how talented you are?
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About Me

- Olsen Potter
- Nada e perfeito mas como eu quero. Portuguese is my passion, English is my life, and words are the beats of my heart.