Yesterday, the day before, this whole week,
without talking to you.
Today, as well, I wont get to
I'll be coming home somewhat late.
I adore the words
"Samira has entered"
its like the sun just came up,
or my soul just found Christ.
Maybe...I'm wrong,
it could be that I just love you to much.
but I believe that you complete me
you fill that abiss of sadness.
Ah, my love, why were you born?
to love me without end?
Your holy mission, the reason for life,
Could it be you were born for me?
And why do I live for you?
You've pasted your smile on my heart,
Imprinted the words of love on the air
that no one else can hear but us.
To what end will we love?
Until the poets forget their words?
Until presidents and kings realize their wrong?
I want to love you until the soul loses its religion.
Poems, words, thoughts,
help with this distance between us,
Still what I want more,
is to feel your kiss in my life.
Olsen W. Potter
This entry was posted
on Tuesday, April 11, 2006
at 7:06 AM
and is filed under
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Parabéns por seu talento. Vc conseguiu escrever um lindo poema ficcional, pena que eu não sabia disso.
4/20/2006 9:09 PM
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About Me

- Olsen Potter
- Nada e perfeito mas como eu quero. Portuguese is my passion, English is my life, and words are the beats of my heart.