I thought,
before I get married I should plan my honeymoon,
so I took down a map and charted a course
for Coeur D'Alene.
It seemed to be a 9 hour trip,
but it would be so fun to stop in
Bliss for a day,
just enjoying each others company.
Maybe have lunch in Cable Car Crossing;
dinner at some diner in Darlington.
Of course we had to stop in Fernan Lake Village,
it would be in June and the lake would be green.
And Horseshoe Bend was a must see.
By the time the road brought me to Post Falls,
where I planned on reserving our hotel,
we would have passed through
Ireland Springs, Judge Town, Knowlton Heights,
Quartzburg, Underkoflers Corner, Yellow Dog,
and Zaza
taking 3 months, 2 days, and 7 hours...
before we even got where we were going.
I gave up; we went to Vegas instead.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, April 01, 2009
at 12:21 PM
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About Me

- Olsen Potter
- Nada e perfeito mas como eu quero. Portuguese is my passion, English is my life, and words are the beats of my heart.